What is the purpose of such things, these new forms of communication? Maybe I am late in asking this question as blogs now form a considerable amount of our media and communication strategies. So, the real reason I ask is rhetorical in nature. purpose is a different quality of experience. It implies a sense of connection and perspective. I could be stating my purpose with regard to personal satisfaction or in the case of career development. There may even be a sense of spiritual fulfillment that I experience from connecting with others. But purpose also means suggests my connection to others and the world around me. I do not live in a vacuum from where come vacuous statements of ignorance. Rather, I do recognize our interconnected world and function with the values of altruism, care, and service for a better present and future in which to live on this planet. Our mission continues in this late stage of life. Do we choose to protect life on and as this planet with a sense of sacred gratitude for Gaia and her amazing gifts; or do we continue to abuse and disrespect her without any regard for that which sustains us? I for one choose to love and appreciation the beautiful gifts of nature, including us in the paradigm of life.

Do you think that we have the solutions to our biggest challenges?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The First Lady is redefined!

Michelle Obama continues to match the courage, voracity, and audaciousness of her husband President Barack Obama, by redefining the role of The First Lady in a modern era. Rather than relegating the discourse of a Presidency to the backrooms of elite exclusivity and political favoritism, the Obamas have brought our national leadership back to the people. As the movie, Avatar, famously reminded me, it's all about the connection. I can't emphasize enough how important this concept is, and thus gained even more respect for James Cameron. Our connection to each other and of course our planet - Gaia. One way that Michelle Obama has brought us back into the White House and brought life and health back to the people is by making another one of her bold statements by replacing part of the White House lawn with an organic garden. It is from here that produce is brought into the Whitehouse kitchen, inspiring chefs, students, children, and environmentalists the nation over. One inspired chef includes the very own White House Executive Chef, Cristeta Comerford, who started in the Clinton White House as a Sous Chef:

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Synergy of Thought with Time Magazine

In Time Magazine's December 14th issue, the Article "Shrinking The War on Terrorism" by Peter Beinart, has this statement: "Obama's effort to downsize the war on terrorism is partly a function of personality and mostly a function of circumstance. George W. Bush loathed what he called 'small ball.' He saw both his father's presidency and Bill Clinton's as inconsequential and yearned to invest his own with world-historical significance. After 9/11, he immediately began comparing the war on terrorism to World War II and the Cold War - a global, generation-defining struggle against an enemy of vast military and ideological power that would transform whole chunks of the world."

Unfortunately for us and the rest of the world, there was a world-historically significant responsibility placed in his hands, as with all leaders. He just chose door #2 and led our country and our world into the farthest reaches of male hubris, ignorance, and indignant pride since Vietnam, The Cold War, WWI, and WWII. He had the choice to act on behalf of the social and environmental leadership placed before him by Bill Clinton and Al Gore. But instead, he decided to indulge his and his administration's fantasies of world dominance through lies, deceit, torture, and fatal mismanagement of pretty much every system of which he was put in charge. Now, after 8 years of hell, what are we left with?

A destructive world of historical significance! Nice job, Moron! Thanks for all the opportunities to reach down into our darkest depths to employ historically significant qualities and quantities of transformation. The apocalypse has been delivered unto us by the right-wing Christian faith in such prophecies.

Luckily, we still have the choice to have a different faith, a different hope, a different vision, and a different set of actions based on strategic solutions to the world's and history's biggest crises. May a critical mass of humans wake-up to our power of conscious evolution and once again be inspired by our chance at life on this amazing gift of planet we call home, Earth, Gaia! Life is the gift that we share and it can direct us to celebrate one another with empathy, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and love. Once we rise to the challenges of these qualities; then we demonstrate true courage. Then we will achieve the Christian ideal that Jesus preached and personified. Blessings on your journeys of discovery as you come to know your true nature as a unique emanation of the one spirit that manifests everywhere for us to be...

Male Dominance over Society: The modern history of war over power, blood, and fuel

It was during the World Wars that nation states learned the power of fuel for the machines of war. Granted this awareness was clear throughout the industrial revolution, but it wasn’t until battles over global domination that stockpiles of fuel became imperative to power. So began the diplomatic, or not so diplomatic hunt for domination of the fossil fuel economy. The U.S. was fortunate to come out on top, gaining access to North Africa and the Middle East. Defeating the Germans across Europe and North Africa secured access for the U.S. and the Allied Powers. Then arose a different struggle. A new paradigm of war and domination came in the form of the Cold War as the U.S. and The Soviet Union jockeyed for position. This strategic confrontation transcended the old debate over fossil fuel dominance with the advent of the nuclear age and a new form of power. As the U.S. competed against The Soviet Union on all fronts, its economy continued to develop atop a bubble of crude. The stockpiling of nuclear weapons poised to destroy the entire planet finally ended as The Soviet Union collapsed under its own anorexic focus for power through intimidation. What was left? A sole superpower addicted to its black gold. The U.S. has thus traded blood for ancient blood to fuel its sickness, all the while polluting the world with its lies and betrayal, violence and wars of terrorism. Will “We the People” redeem this great country of ours in the eyes of the world by making the changes necessary to survive on this planet. It is our choice and our responsibility. Life as we know it is being threatened. We, threaten it by our gluttony, by our addiction to the “American Dream”. Our dream is directly proportional to the social and environmental suffering around the world. Is this our dream or our nightmare? It’s up to us…

We have an alternative to this model of development, it's called Sustainability, and with it comes evolution, growth, justice, peace, cooperation, health, and simply put, LIFE! Is there even a question anymore about the direction for our society?
-My Reflection

Our Story

For those of you who have heard this speech from me before, I apologize for the repetition, but I'm sure it can't hurt to be reminded of our collective evolution. Search your depth of knowing, and if you don't know it, understand it, or feel it intuitively, do some research. Our past can be characterized by a long HerStory, where the prevalence of a female cosmological understanding of the world. This lasted from about 40,000 BC to 10-8,000 BC. At that time, the fertile crescent began to be exploited by a new culture. A culture of male dominance, which tried to control nature and exploit resources for human development. This ushered in the epoch we know as HisStory. The culture of the past began to be co-opted in order to legitimize the practices of the time and provide justifications for the retention of male authority and power. All our dominant religions institutionalized these control mechanisms and created ideologies based on ignorance and fear. I believe that we are awakening to a new change and a new era based on balance and cooperation. And that we will finally leave behind the last vestiges of a dualistic and polarized world. Instead, we are rousing from our slumber to usher a time of existential transcendence where we will overcome the polarization of our world. We are coming together to live on this planet as one community, one expression of humanity in balance with all life that we are inextricably connected. We are coming to know what it means to live OurStory. Please join me in welcoming this transition with grace and gratitude as we transform our lives.

Choosing a New Start!

I have always wanted to write something like this, as I've watched the last decade unfold. I have to say, this is written perfectly. Please enjoy...

Choosing a New Start

A new cycle is about to begin. People in every corner of the world are moving into juxtaposition in order to take part in a quantum leap in consciousness.
If you have felt that you are in waiting mode, or that you have had a setback, remember the massive amounts of preparations you and others are making and have made. Put away your linear yardstick. Acknowledge that there is an accumulation of efforts involved, and sometimes your human self doesn't see the whole picture.
To be sure, your efforts are individual, yet they are also cooperative as great numbers of people wake up and begin to connect energetically to create positive changes.
The initial phases of humanity's transformational shifting, underway for a very long time, have led you to where you find yourself now. Some of this evolutionary growth you experienced before this incarnation, as you were preparing for what would occur during this pivotal life. As an example, you may have previously incarnated with people who you would meet again this time, helping one another to progress spiritually.
In this lifetime, you have encountered one or more wake up calls causing you to seriously challenge the status quo. There is no correct way for this process to occur, so avoid the temptation to label your experience or compare it with that of others.
Your Catalyzing Life Event
Your catalyzing life event could have been losing a job, experiencing a financial reversal, moving to a new place, divorcing your partner, facing a debilitating illness, or experiencing some other major change in circumstance. Any one or a number of these could have stirred a deep inner discontent and questioning of things you never before questioned. When this happens, it's really a nudge from your soul, waking you up and guiding you to travel the path of spirit.
In today's upheaval, people are oftentimes receiving what may appear to be more than one wake up call simultaneously. Also, people can have supplemental wake up calls a long time after their initial one.
Meaning of Wake Up Calls
If either of these is your situation, consider the following. First, the typical progression from wake up call to full awakening is anything but usual these days. You live in very different times, never before seen on the planet.
Humanity and the Earth are ascending, in a process that is leading to a more enlightened existence. You and others like you on the path of Light are creating a brand new way to co-exist and be. You did not have the same opportunities for awakening in earlier lifetimes.
Likewise, before this life you did not share the planet with so many people, nor was it possible for such a significant shift in consciousness to occur for the masses. Your wake up call, then, in the previous life had a different meaning, scope and potential impact.
Your Soul is Preparing You for Success
The second factor is this. Wake up calls in modern times are the soul's way of preparing you to succeed on your path of Light during humanity's shift. Your first one tends to set the stage for what follows.
If you pay attention to the first one, taking the opportunity to assess your life and noticing the nudges of your soul, you are redirected to a different course. How you respond to that redirection, and what actions you take, help to determine your forward spiritual progression.
As an example, if you respond to your soul's nudges with an attitude of willingness and acceptance, your road ahead will have fewer bumps. The learned tendency, of course, is to resist change and to want to maintain the status quo.
When you are in resistance, you are likely to be blocked from receiving your inner guidance from spirit. The guidance is there, but you cannot access it. Instead, you may simply feel anger and alienation. These responses can leave you feeling disempowered and a victim of your outer circumstances.
The Process of Awakening
Here is the third factor. Despite how willing and accepting you are, and how connected you are to the nudges of your soul, your awakening is a process and not a single event. Remember that during this most precious human life, you have the potential of quantum levels of awakening not before possible!
This means that you may be a seasoned traveler-familiar with wake up calls and practiced in responding effectively-yet you won't be complete with your awakening journey until you really ARE complete. Your ego-self can and will try to convince you that you represent a finished product. You can fool yourself into thinking you are fully enlightened, with no more awakening to experience.
This ego-based response is particularly prevalent within circles of lightworkers who compare themselves with the general populace. Certainly, when you compare yourself on a surface level with the masses that remain asleep, you are leaps and bounds ahead. Comparisons are a trick of the ego, though, and can derail you when you least suspect it.
Ready for The Big Changes
The fourth factor relates to readiness. How ready do you feel, on an everyday basis, for the big changes about to occur? Is your enthusiasm for positive change waning as you envision what's ahead? Do you feel prepared to take on the challenges that are sure to come? Are you willing to go deeper within yourself to access the more stable sense of empowerment you will need to navigate the unpaved road ahead? Are you able to step back from the world's fear-based messages often enough to stay in your center?
To be enmeshed in such a gigantic shifting process as you face today can take its toll. You likely are feeling impacted on a number of levels. The obvious includes your outer conditions involving your home, work, finances, human relationships, and physical health.
Other key elements include your emotional stability and repetitive thought patterns. These will determine the meaning you place on current events, and will trigger limiting belief systems recorded in your DNA. Examples are commonly-held beliefs involving lack, failure, and authority figures having power you can't access. As belief systems such as these are catalyzed, your ability to successfully respond to crisis is compromised.
Most likely, you are being challenged beyond what you think your limits are. A part of you intuitively knows that much of your current world functioning is out of sync with where you want to be headed.
It's not just the world financial system, now knee-deep in crisis. It's virtually every sector of your old paradigm society that has been based on fear, greed, and ego-based manipulation. Each of these worn-out structures will need radical reshaping over the coming years.
The year 2009 is a turning point, for it is the start of several years of reconfiguration. The reshaping involved will be both personal and global.
Remember Your Role
The fifth factor is remembering your role. That means letting go of fear-based human conditioning that tells you some outside force is coming to the rescue. That same conditioning tells you that you are flawed, need fixing, need to be told what to do, and are simply lacking in what it takes
to succeed this life.
It may feel comforting to imagine an advanced group of beings from the stars coming to save you and the planet. Is it also comforting to imagine that, without such intervention, you would be helpless and fail at what you came to Earth to do?
Certainly, life does exist beyond the planet you now call home. And to be sure, there are boundless intelligent life forms existing that your scientists and governments have yet to make public. Some of these life forms have been in regular contact with humanity, and not just in recent decades.
Have you ever wondered where YOU came from? Has anyone ever told you that YOU are Divine? Have you ever associated your humanness with a Divine imprint that is eternal?
Remember that you, as a Divine Changemaker, are an integral part of the shift. The key changes involve shifts in consciousness within individuals such as you. As you make these, and then interact with others and society, there is a domino effect.
Underneath the layers of falseness you unknowingly took on in human form, you really know the truth. At the core of your being, there is really no doubt about who you are, why your human experiences are such a gift, and how you are meant to be on Earth now to forever change the landscape for humankind.
In the early weeks of 2009, world leaders and people everywhere will be taking stock and choosing what will play out in this next phase. Some of this choosing will be conscious, with people being aware of what they are choosing. On other levels, the choosing will take place under the radar, masquerading as something like inaction or avoidance.
Checklist for a New Start
What kind of new start would you like to choose? What would you like 2009 and the next few years to look like? How do you see yourself taking your place alongside other Divine Changemakers? Consider these questions and the following as you envision what you want to create next. Invite your heart's wisdom to guide you as you reflect on these ideas.
Biggest Obstacle
What is my biggest obstacle faced in 2009?
What can I do differently that will resolve this?
What resources have I not yet used fully that could help me resolve this?
How can I involve spirit more in resolving obstacles such as this?
Biggest Choice
What is the biggest choice I must make in 2009?
What's the big picture surrounding this choice?
How will my making this choice, and acting on it, change my life?
Greatest Allies
Who are my greatest allies on my path of Light?
Who helps me to find my center when I get off track?
Who in my circle connects me with laughter and lightness of being?
Who teaches me the most about myself?
Who helps me to connect with spirit?
Who helps me to connect with my inner truth?
Greatest Opportunities
In what direction will I find expanded opportunities?
Who are the people I am meant to serve?
How do I find and connect with these people?
What can I change in what I offer to be of most service to these people?
What is the one thing to let go of for greater success?
How do I get in the way of my own success?
What can I offer that will be in demand in any economic climate?
What do I need to know or do in order to successfully offer this to the world?
As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2009 by Selacia * All Rights Reserved
Web site: www.Selacia.com

Redemption, Reconciliation, Regret, and Remorse

This is going to be short and to the point... What I want to say is that I am sorry. I want to take this opportunity to apologize for my past transgressions. I know this sounds cliched, but I really am attempting to reconcile with all those who I have injured or to whom I have inflicted pain, whether directly or indirectly. I realize that this is a futile attempt to make a difference in the lives that I have impacted in a negative way and that this is probably not the most effective medium for such an expression. But maybe I feel like if I write this here, it will reach those who need to hear it or who can benefit from these words of reprieve.

So, what can I say to wash away the suffering that I have inflicted. Choices in the past by a naive, ignorant, and sometimes callous youth have caused irreparable harm in the lives of others. I have seen some of these impacts in the eyes and heard the pain in the voices and words of those who have suffered. I know that my words cannot erase the sorrow, I only hope that I can offer some solace. As I said, this is ineffectual, but maybe you can find some release in the act of recapitulation. In closing, I ask your forgiveness. With the utmost humility I offer an expression of regret and pray for healing. May you all find relief from the affliction of my causes. Thank you for transcending all that you are able. My deepest apologies... I am truly sorry

Healing the Collective Psyche of this Great Nation

Dear Friends,

Many of us are feeling the intensity of a time where we are being called to connect with and transform the dark side of our collective soul, healing our most wounded selves. Please take a moment to breath, reconnect with your purpose and have faith through these dark and difficult times.

In Love and Light!