What is the purpose of such things, these new forms of communication? Maybe I am late in asking this question as blogs now form a considerable amount of our media and communication strategies. So, the real reason I ask is rhetorical in nature. purpose is a different quality of experience. It implies a sense of connection and perspective. I could be stating my purpose with regard to personal satisfaction or in the case of career development. There may even be a sense of spiritual fulfillment that I experience from connecting with others. But purpose also means suggests my connection to others and the world around me. I do not live in a vacuum from where come vacuous statements of ignorance. Rather, I do recognize our interconnected world and function with the values of altruism, care, and service for a better present and future in which to live on this planet. Our mission continues in this late stage of life. Do we choose to protect life on and as this planet with a sense of sacred gratitude for Gaia and her amazing gifts; or do we continue to abuse and disrespect her without any regard for that which sustains us? I for one choose to love and appreciation the beautiful gifts of nature, including us in the paradigm of life.

Do you think that we have the solutions to our biggest challenges?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our Story

For those of you who have heard this speech from me before, I apologize for the repetition, but I'm sure it can't hurt to be reminded of our collective evolution. Search your depth of knowing, and if you don't know it, understand it, or feel it intuitively, do some research. Our past can be characterized by a long HerStory, where the prevalence of a female cosmological understanding of the world. This lasted from about 40,000 BC to 10-8,000 BC. At that time, the fertile crescent began to be exploited by a new culture. A culture of male dominance, which tried to control nature and exploit resources for human development. This ushered in the epoch we know as HisStory. The culture of the past began to be co-opted in order to legitimize the practices of the time and provide justifications for the retention of male authority and power. All our dominant religions institutionalized these control mechanisms and created ideologies based on ignorance and fear. I believe that we are awakening to a new change and a new era based on balance and cooperation. And that we will finally leave behind the last vestiges of a dualistic and polarized world. Instead, we are rousing from our slumber to usher a time of existential transcendence where we will overcome the polarization of our world. We are coming together to live on this planet as one community, one expression of humanity in balance with all life that we are inextricably connected. We are coming to know what it means to live OurStory. Please join me in welcoming this transition with grace and gratitude as we transform our lives.

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