What is the purpose of such things, these new forms of communication? Maybe I am late in asking this question as blogs now form a considerable amount of our media and communication strategies. So, the real reason I ask is rhetorical in nature. purpose is a different quality of experience. It implies a sense of connection and perspective. I could be stating my purpose with regard to personal satisfaction or in the case of career development. There may even be a sense of spiritual fulfillment that I experience from connecting with others. But purpose also means suggests my connection to others and the world around me. I do not live in a vacuum from where come vacuous statements of ignorance. Rather, I do recognize our interconnected world and function with the values of altruism, care, and service for a better present and future in which to live on this planet. Our mission continues in this late stage of life. Do we choose to protect life on and as this planet with a sense of sacred gratitude for Gaia and her amazing gifts; or do we continue to abuse and disrespect her without any regard for that which sustains us? I for one choose to love and appreciation the beautiful gifts of nature, including us in the paradigm of life.

Do you think that we have the solutions to our biggest challenges?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Synergy of Thought with Time Magazine

In Time Magazine's December 14th issue, the Article "Shrinking The War on Terrorism" by Peter Beinart, has this statement: "Obama's effort to downsize the war on terrorism is partly a function of personality and mostly a function of circumstance. George W. Bush loathed what he called 'small ball.' He saw both his father's presidency and Bill Clinton's as inconsequential and yearned to invest his own with world-historical significance. After 9/11, he immediately began comparing the war on terrorism to World War II and the Cold War - a global, generation-defining struggle against an enemy of vast military and ideological power that would transform whole chunks of the world."

Unfortunately for us and the rest of the world, there was a world-historically significant responsibility placed in his hands, as with all leaders. He just chose door #2 and led our country and our world into the farthest reaches of male hubris, ignorance, and indignant pride since Vietnam, The Cold War, WWI, and WWII. He had the choice to act on behalf of the social and environmental leadership placed before him by Bill Clinton and Al Gore. But instead, he decided to indulge his and his administration's fantasies of world dominance through lies, deceit, torture, and fatal mismanagement of pretty much every system of which he was put in charge. Now, after 8 years of hell, what are we left with?

A destructive world of historical significance! Nice job, Moron! Thanks for all the opportunities to reach down into our darkest depths to employ historically significant qualities and quantities of transformation. The apocalypse has been delivered unto us by the right-wing Christian faith in such prophecies.

Luckily, we still have the choice to have a different faith, a different hope, a different vision, and a different set of actions based on strategic solutions to the world's and history's biggest crises. May a critical mass of humans wake-up to our power of conscious evolution and once again be inspired by our chance at life on this amazing gift of planet we call home, Earth, Gaia! Life is the gift that we share and it can direct us to celebrate one another with empathy, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and love. Once we rise to the challenges of these qualities; then we demonstrate true courage. Then we will achieve the Christian ideal that Jesus preached and personified. Blessings on your journeys of discovery as you come to know your true nature as a unique emanation of the one spirit that manifests everywhere for us to be...

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