What is the purpose of such things, these new forms of communication? Maybe I am late in asking this question as blogs now form a considerable amount of our media and communication strategies. So, the real reason I ask is rhetorical in nature. purpose is a different quality of experience. It implies a sense of connection and perspective. I could be stating my purpose with regard to personal satisfaction or in the case of career development. There may even be a sense of spiritual fulfillment that I experience from connecting with others. But purpose also means suggests my connection to others and the world around me. I do not live in a vacuum from where come vacuous statements of ignorance. Rather, I do recognize our interconnected world and function with the values of altruism, care, and service for a better present and future in which to live on this planet. Our mission continues in this late stage of life. Do we choose to protect life on and as this planet with a sense of sacred gratitude for Gaia and her amazing gifts; or do we continue to abuse and disrespect her without any regard for that which sustains us? I for one choose to love and appreciation the beautiful gifts of nature, including us in the paradigm of life.

Do you think that we have the solutions to our biggest challenges?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Redemption, Reconciliation, Regret, and Remorse

This is going to be short and to the point... What I want to say is that I am sorry. I want to take this opportunity to apologize for my past transgressions. I know this sounds cliched, but I really am attempting to reconcile with all those who I have injured or to whom I have inflicted pain, whether directly or indirectly. I realize that this is a futile attempt to make a difference in the lives that I have impacted in a negative way and that this is probably not the most effective medium for such an expression. But maybe I feel like if I write this here, it will reach those who need to hear it or who can benefit from these words of reprieve.

So, what can I say to wash away the suffering that I have inflicted. Choices in the past by a naive, ignorant, and sometimes callous youth have caused irreparable harm in the lives of others. I have seen some of these impacts in the eyes and heard the pain in the voices and words of those who have suffered. I know that my words cannot erase the sorrow, I only hope that I can offer some solace. As I said, this is ineffectual, but maybe you can find some release in the act of recapitulation. In closing, I ask your forgiveness. With the utmost humility I offer an expression of regret and pray for healing. May you all find relief from the affliction of my causes. Thank you for transcending all that you are able. My deepest apologies... I am truly sorry

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